With Be lated wishes of Rotary's Birthday. to all the Rotarians.. As 23rd Feb is the birthday of our Rotary.
i m glad to inform you..
Rotary club of Umreth is eager to wel come ........ the whole & sole of the dist.3060.. yes I m talking about the visit of district governer visit. Any club functioning whether its from rural level or urban level is always eager to give warm Welcome to its D.G. .. & though we are a small club , we wud like to welcome district governer Major S.K.Sharma very warmly. We would like to make that function memorable for both side.i.e. for District & for our club too. Following will the scheduel for the D.G.visit. For D.G. visit we have alloted the day is 8th March 2010... The Women's day
The tentitive program will be as follows
Arrival.......... 9-30 AM
Meeting with
President secretary 9.45 AM....... At President's home
Innauguration of the Rotary Hall 10-30 AM........ At Rotary Hall, Bhatwada
Meeting with BOD's 11-00AM........ As above
General meeting 12-00 Noon
(The program is tentetive.. & is subjected to be changed as per the conveniency of DG & his Protocol)
Rotary club of Umreth will be handed over its renoveted new Rotary Hall, Bhatwada. So the inauguration function of that hall will he held before the general meeting. The general meeting will include the falicitation of the designated women of Umreth town. i.e. President & Vicepresident of Umreth Nagar palika, Mamlatdar, & Chief Officer of Umreth Nagar palika . These four ladies will be felicitated on that day as the day alloted to Umreth club i.e.8th march is the women's day.
All of the club members are very enthustiastic about D.G. Visit..
So........ Wel Come....... DG Major S.K.Sharma.... We are waiting for you..